The talented Ramsha Khan has been the talk of the town lately with her latest drama – ‘Ghisi Piti Mohabbat,’ garnering a strong fan-base for herself with her brilliant performance as the strong-willed and independent ‘Samiya.’
With so much speculation about the drama and her character, Ramsha Khan opened up in an interview for BBC Asian Network about what prompted her to take up this unconventional role.
Speaking to Waqas Ahmed, Khan discussed how the drama, and her character, are not what we usually see on our screens. ‘I feel like this character (Samiya) is very realistic. I think in dramas, we have extreme characters – either the girl is too damsel in distress types, or too negative, or bubbly – just too much of everything. I feel like Samiya is a mixture of everything.”
Khan further talked about the script, and what makes ‘Samiya’ and the drama stand out amongst the rest, “I love how this particular script is women-oriented, it’s not rich-heroes saving the women, but here, the real heroes are the women in every household.”
Khan addressed the fact that our dramas have been following the same bechari girl plot, and it is high time we pick up the pace and start churning out more women-oriented content because that is the need of the hour. Ramsha Khan has established herself as an actress with depth and range with her choices of distinctive roles and is rightly considered one of the most talented young actresses in the industry.
Listen to Ramsha Khan talk about ‘Ghisi Piti Mohabbat’ and more here!
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