Thinking About Travelling: Read This Before To Pack Your Luggage

Sumera Saeed

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Thinking About Travelling: Read This Before To Pack Your Luggage

It’s been nearly seven months since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world. It makes the whole world stuck and people are unable to do anything but just to quarantine themselves in their homes.

The Covid-19 pandemic situation is becoming worse day by day in a number of countries and its awful situation for the people to travel back to their homes and their countries. A number of people are stuck in different countries due to the halt of flights operation across the world.  

Travel restrictions are just to avoid nonessential trips in many countries as they are implementing travel restrictions and closing borders with little advance notice.

Some of the countries have placed no restrictions in domestic travelling, and some states may need out-of-state travelers to complete a 14-day self-quarantine.

If you want to travel it is essential to check that state’s health department for up-to-date guidance.

In this article I am going to discuss some of the useful information for all those who are thinking about travelling. The purpose of this is just to help them to make a decision before travelling anywhere in the world.  

If you are going to travel internationally, find out where you’re permissible to fly from and to. United States, China, Iran, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and most other countries in Europe and Asia have halted the flight operations and announced to follow the strict look down in order to curb the pandemic situation. But the situation is becoming out of control with the every passing day.  

The U.S. has banned the people form Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City,  United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Brazil to enter its kingdom.

The U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs also has a color-coded map that demonstrates the U.S. travel advisories for every country in the world during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Be Careful Before Boarding the Plan:  

When you’re travelling from different cities or countries you are introducing a potentially very different disease risk, so it’s not bad to know some of the information before boarding the plane in order to save yourself and family from the hazardous situation.

Keep in mind that you are going to be a plane that is ideal place of coronavirus, because you are going to share small place with lots of people and there is no chance of the fresh air to come inside.

However, the ventilation system in plane can make the air travel safe for the passengers, because the plane incorporate the HEPA filters, are made-up to take out a large section, beyond 99%, of infectious viruses.

Most of the infections and viruses most probably not spread in the plane because of the HEPA filtration, as per CDC report.

It is pertinent to mention that when in SARS outbreak in 2003, researchers from Hamburg had tested the people arriving in Germany with the respiratory syndrome. 

And the results showed that infected persons were not the ones who transmitted to their fellow passengers and the travelers did not get the same virus on flight. 

When it comes to Covid-19 there are not strong evidence regarding the transmission aboard an aircraft. However, you need to avoid using the publicly used things and tools public lavatory, seatbelts, doorknobs, railing, etc. If it is necessary to touch them clean them with sanitizers of wipes.

Remember to always stay at least six feet apart from other people and use hand sanitizer after touching surfaces like check-in kiosks, luggage trays, and carts. You need to cover your nose and mouth properly with a cloth or a face mask and need to wear disposable gloves during traveling.

If you are on shopping you also need to follow these precautions to stay safe.

Airlines Implementing Safety Policies:

It is very much important to protect themselves before boarding the plane, however the airlines are also implementing the safety policies in order to protect the passengers.

Some of the airlines are to cut off the number of passengers in flight and also decided to block the middle seat in order to make a space among two passengers. Airlines are also disinfecting the planes and making the cleaning procedures intensifying. They are taking some other precautionary measures for the safety of travelers.

On the airports the passengers will face the strict check-in process.

However, the people coughing and sneezing behind or in front seat near you could be a serious concern because even an efficient air circulation and filtration system might not protect you from transmission.  

That’s why it is so important for all passengers to wear a mask during the whole flight and practice on the other precautionary measures that are advised.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and face.

Always carry a hand sanitizer with you while travelling.

You can also have a pack of sanitizers wipes so you can clean the objects that are necessary to touch.

Don’t worry about your health if you to eat food in airplane:

You can eat the food that airlines offer you during travelling because there is no strong evidence to prove that food can transmit the coronavirus, as per reports.

On the other hand the airline are also making it sure to serve the health oriented food to passengers and obviously their crews are being advised to use strict hand hygiene, as they always should.

Be careful when reach your destination:

Keep in mind the health of your loved ones is extremely important. If you reach your particular destination or if quarantine is mandatory you should go for it, otherwise you would put the health on your loved ones on risk.

If you have any symptoms or believe you had recent contact with someone with Covid-19, and think you might be at risk immediately check with the concerned health authorities for the further treatment.

The Bottom Line:

During any pandemic, the travel to anywhere across the world is not free from danger. Even after practicing on the precautionary measures, a lot number of people are facing positive reports. You could not completely emit the chances of getting pathogens.  

Before travelling you can wait for a few weeks to watch the pandemic situation, even if your travelling is not very much important. Heath is wealth and nothing is more important in this world beyond your health. Stay safe stay home.

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