Burn Your Calories, Have Flat Belly and Glowing Skin with Detox Water

Sumera Saeed

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Burn Your Calories, Have Flat Belly and Glowing Skin with Detox Water

Burn Your Calories, Have Flat Belly and Glowing Skin with Detox water.

To use detox water is the best way to burn calories, having a flat belly and glowing skin. The consumption of detox water on a regular basis helps the body flush out harmful toxins. Today you will find here some of the best detox water recipes which will help you to get rid of harmful toxins and burn calories, having a flat belly and glowing skin at home.

Lemon and mint detox water

The use of Lemon Mint detox water will help you to have glowing skin inwardly. If you add few slices of cucumber to it, this drink will become more effective and hydrated.

Lemon Mint Detox water

You require:

  • Mint Leaves 10 to 12
  • Lemon Slices 8 to 10
  • Cucumber slices 8 to 10
  • Water 1 liter

Put all the ingredients into the water and leave it overnight. The next morning start using Lemon Mint Detox water for having glowing skin.

Apple Cinnamon detox water

Apple cinnamon detox water is very helpful in burning calories and having a flat belly.

Apple Cinnamon detox water

You require:

  • 1 Apple slices
  • Cinnamons stick one
  • Water 1 liter

Put apple and cinnamon stick in the water and leave it for half an hour and then start drinking it.

Cucumber, Ginger and mint detox water

Cucumber, Lemon, Ginger and mint detox water is very much effective for having a flat belly and clear skin. If you drink it on daily basis you will see all the skin problems will fade away. Ginger has outstanding properties which cleanse your system perfectly.

Cucumber, Ginger and mint detox water

You require:

  • 1 cucumber slices
  • Mint leaves 10
  • Lemon Slices 8
  • Ginger slices 8 to 10
  • Water 1 liter

Put all the ingredients into the water and leave it overnight. The next morning start using Cucumber, Ginger and mint detox water.

Lemon Ginger Tea For Flat Belly And Glowing Skin

Burn Your Calories, Have Flat Belly and Glowing Skin with Detox Water

If you want to have a flat belly and glowing skin you must try this Lemon Ginger tea. Its use not only works inwardly but also shows wonderful results on your skin. So if you want a flat belly and glowing skin use this tea daily in the morning.

How to make Lemon Ginger Tea?

• Lemon Juice 2 tablespoon
• Ginger 1 inch piece
• Green tea leaves 2 tablespoon
• Water two cups
• Honey 1 tablespoon


Boil water with Ginger and green tea for 5 minutes. Now pour the tea into the cup add lemon juice and honey and drink it on empty stomach.
Consumption of Lemon Ginger tea on daily basis will show you outstanding results in just 10 days.


Use fresh detox water daily. Make it at night and drink it during the day completely. Don’t save it for the next day.

For more health care tips stay in touch with daytimes.pk 

Author Bio:

Hi, this is Sumera Saeed: A seasoned content writer with 12+ years of experience, I craft compelling content across diverse platforms. My expertise covers e-commerce, finance, news media, and currently, the vital Pakistani blogosphere. As Managing Editor and Content Writer at Daytimes.pk, I am passionate about creating engaging content. I am always excited to discover new trends and writing techniques. Feel free to connect at [email protected] to discuss content tips, write-ups, or potential collaborations.

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