How to Apply Perfect Eye Liner

Sumera Saeed

How to Apply Perfect Eye Liner

How to Apply Perfect Eye Liner

To apply the eyeliner is the tough task for the girls and always do a number of mistakes in applying perfect.

Today will tell you some perfect eyeliner application tips and tricks. First of all choose the eyeliner of your choice, liquid, gel or pencil. Now start to create dots with the pencil liner on the upper eyelashes. Start from the inside corner and finish the dots are the end of the eye corner. As you can see in the picture below:

How to Apply Perfect Eye Liner

Now shake well the liquid eyeliner. Now open the cap and fill the dots carefully by starting from the middle to end and then from the corner inside. Fill the gaps with a perfect finish.

How to Apply Perfect Eye Liner

How to Apply Perfect Eye Liner

You can also apply perfect eyeliner or winged eyeliner by applying a piece of tape on the corner of your eyes. Just as you can see in the picture below:

How to Apply Perfect Eye Liner

Draw a line at the center of the eye and extend the line toward the end of the edge. Now fill it perfectly to give the shape of cat eye.

How to Apply Perfect Eye Liner

How to Apply Perfect Eye Liner

After applying liner perfectly remove the tape. For eye liner tutorial video you can click here.

Author Bio:

Hi, this is Sumera Saeed: A seasoned content writer with 12+ years of experience, I craft compelling content across diverse platforms. My expertise covers e-commerce, finance, news media, and currently, the vital Pakistani blogosphere. As Managing Editor and Content Writer at, I am passionate about creating engaging content. I am always excited to discover new trends and writing techniques. Feel free to connect at [email protected] to discuss content tips, write-ups, or potential collaborations.

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