How To Grow Hair Faster?

Sumera Saeed

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How To Grow Hair Faster?

Long and Shiny Hair: Dream of every Girl.  Almost all of the girls do dream of long hair at least once in their lives and they tried a lot to grow hair faster.

But only a few have their dream come true and the rest just think it’s not them who can ever get their hair longer than their shoulders or elbows. But here are few of the simple and easy tips for those who don’t give up thinking of their hair growing longer.

Hair loss is a common problem. A number of people face hair loss due to various reasons. Men lose more hair than women and almost become bald-headed.  Hair loss in human beings can be due to a lack of a proper diet containing essential vitamins and minerals.

Some ailments can also be the cause of hair loss such as flu and pregnancy may cause temporary hair loss.

But here are a few of the simple and easy tips for those who don’t give up thinking of their hair growing longer and can grow hair faster by practicing on the below-mentioned tips.

1: Have Patience:

First of all, this should be kept in mind that growing hair is not an overnight procedure. The average growth of hair is considered to be 1/4th of an inch in a month. For extraordinary healthy and well looked after hair the growth can be increased to ½ an inch per month. So whatever you do to have long hair, the most important key is to have the patience to let your hair grow well.

2: Have regular Trims:

Though it sounds quite ironic to cut your hair when you actually want to grow them longer, that technique actually works especially when you want not just long hair but healthy hair. One thing should be kept in mind that getting them cut too frequently and too much in length will also work against you. There must be a gap of at least 10 to 12 weeks between two haircuts and the recommended length to be trimmed is 1/8th of an inch.

3: Have your hair oiled or masked regularly

As hairs grow longer and older they tend to lose their moisture. Thus the hair experts suggest oiling of hair regularly and if the hair seems to be dry then a moisture-based mask should be added to regular hair care. But always keep in mind that oils or masks are just pre-shampoo treatments. That means keeping them too long in your hair would work simply against you. Just apply oil to your hair an hour before you take bath. In the case of mask, a minimum time of 10 minutes is required. Then wash your hair as you do normally.

4: Gentle Brushing

It is often recommended by hair experts to go for a gentle brushing especially after having a shower, as wet hair is more prone to breakage. Also when detangling is required It should be started from the lower portion of hair, it will make it easier for the hair to be detangled which if started right from the scalp will result in a lot more tangled hair and ultimately a lot of hair breakage.

5: Towel wrapped Hair:

It is one of the most damaging things that can be done to anyone’s hair. Surprisingly most of the women make the same mistake. When the towel is wrapped around the hair (which is often very tight) it pulls the hair around the face, these hair are usually very fragile thus it breaks them or even sometimes pulls some of them out from their roots.

6: Keep them tied:

Keeping your hair tied as much as you can simply protect your hair from tangling much and breaking. Thus this grandma’s formula of keeping your hair tied does work for all. It helps to grow your hair longer without any damage.

7: Rinse your hair with cold water:

Getting your hair rinsed with cold water for a few seconds every time after a shower helps to grow hair. Coldwater helps to secure the moisture of the hair and prevents heat damage.

Today we will tell you some healthy drinks recipes that are beneficial for hair growth and stop hair loss

Apple, carrot and Strawberries Juice:

Apple, carrot and Strawberries Juice is very much healthy and offers lots of essential vitamins required for our body. Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and protein in the juice stimulates hair growth and reduces hair fall.

You require:

  • One big juicy apple,
  • One carrot
  • Half cup of strawberries

Just put all the ingredients in the blender add some ice and water and blend properly. Now strain the juice and drink daily.

Guava and Kiwi Juice:

Guava and Kiwi juice is a rich source of healthy vitamins. It not only contains Vitamin C but also a rich source of Vitamin E and calcium, iron, folic acid and anti-oxidants which stimulate hair growth fast.

You required:

  • 3 Guava
  • 3 Kiwis

Extract the juice of guava and kiwis and drink daily to see the visible results.

Some Homemade Hair Masks Recipes for Long Hair:

Honey, Milk, and Egg Mask For hair:

Mix a tablespoon of honey in a cup of milk. Beat one egg and mix all the ingredients well. Apply the Honey, Milk and Egg Mask on your hair at least 30 minutes and then rinse with water. It’s a very simple way to get strong and shiny long hair.

Banana, Strawberries, and Almond Mask For hair:

You need to have a small cup or strawberries, 2 bananas and a handful of almonds. Now Mix them well in the grinder. You can also add an egg in it if you like. Now apply Mask on your hair at least 30 minutes and then rinse with water. It’s a very simple way to get strong and shiny long hair.

Avocado, Olive Oil and Almond Oil Mask:

You need to have a small cup of mash avocado, two tablespoons of Olive oil and 3 tablespoons of almond oil. Now Mix them well in the grinder and apply on your hair at least 30 minutes. Cover your hair with a cap or towel and then rinse with water. It’s a very simple way to get strong and shiny long hair. it is especially for long and dry hair.

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