The Hidden Gems of “Uncivilized” Balochistan

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The Hidden Gems of "Uncivilized" Balochistan

The hidden gems of “uncivilized” Baluchistan.Have you heard of Pakistan? The same country with a youth bulge? Yes, you heard it right. To many informed readers and foreigners, Pakistan is a land of an overly populated youth. However, what the youngsters of the myriad challenges faced by this country seldom makes headlines in the media.  This is mostly seen when it comes to the females hailing from minority communities especially Balochistan.

The Thrive to Receive Education Found in Abundance among the Females

After hearing about the First International Conference on Social Sciences in Quetta, my perception regarding the less educated females of Baluchistan changed entirely.  Students of this university are excelling in the field of education, enrolling for M Phil and Ph.D. degrees. It was only in 2013 that the university was bombed losing around fourteen lives of intelligent minds. Contrary to the massive belief that women would be afraid of continuing their education, the university intake tripled in number.

Outclass Discussions Showcased by Young Minds

To top it off, the chairing of the session on language and literature by the former candidates of the university followed by interactive and productive discussions on education and human values depicted that the thrive for self-development is well lit and alive in the young females of Baluchistan. Furthermore, the incredible political and social awareness skills demonstrated by the students without any hesitation showcased the unbeatable confidence in these young and highly educated gems.  With a total of one hundred and fifty presentations, the session proved to be a clear testimony of excellence, courage, and commitment to education portrayed by the women of Baluchistan.

University- A Safe Haven from the Outside World?

The universities in Baluchistan are offered termed as ‘safe havens’ for the young females of Baluchistan who wish to get rid of the limitations that patriarchal society places imposes on female emancipation. Each student of Baluchistan has a tale to tell. Surely, voicing your rights amid the conservative society goons has never been an easy task, especially for women in Baluchistan. The height of this is such that students are afraid to visit their native villages out of fear that they will not be allowed to return to university hostels.

Together We Stand!

Galling together, these women are playing a huge part in coming along and working towards a more libertarian and equal society. They demand to be heard and heard our loud-nothing lesser than that is acceptable by these fierce fully intelligent brains.  Equal opportunities for employment and educational opportunities with women rights being acknowledged stand of high significance to them. What is even wrong with that? Competing with their male counterparts will only bring about self-sufficiency, financial and social independence within these young souls.

On the contrary, the young luminaries exhibited their concern regarding complex issues including identity in the multi-ethnic society. Their belief to bring about a broader acceptance and tolerance to other sects, castes and cultures was astounding and indeed a key to co-habitation in a nation. Their main aim is to preserve local languages, customs while doing away with firmly established stereotypes in the country cannot go unnoticed. An even more unnoticeable notion would be the masses calling out Pakistan’s most populated province as “uncivilized.”

The weakening inter-provincial relations with people’s “deemed right” to exploit Baluchistan’s natural resources without caring an ounce about the social development in the province aches the hearts of these young females. The oil and gas-rich province have its women to raise their voice and question powerful state institutions that are playing a considerable part in violating these resources. Transparency and anguish against lack of accountability are evident in the shining faces of the Baloch women for which they now seem eager to take on the baton of leadership.

CPEC- A trigger of Concern?

How could we end detailing out the feelings of the Baloch women without giving CPEC a mention? Much fear that the China-Pakistan Economic Project would lead to an influx of foreign expats ruling the locals while others also doubt if the newly developed infrastructure projects would create equal opportunity employment for the deserving females of the province.

Conclusively, the powerful abilities to debate, counter question, and hold healthy discussions regarding the current state of Baluchistan would give shivers down the spine of many Pakistanis calling them uncivilized. Confidence and intelligence lurking in the female youth of the province would do nothing less than leave you in awe.

Much needs to be accomplished. For every girl receiving education, many other girls have to sit back home not because of they lack a thirst for knowledge but simply because of lack of sufficient facilities in Baluchistan. Lastly, the hostile attitude towards working women in the province would soon be eradicated by the same females disagreeing with the stereotypes, and standing high for their rights!


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Author Bio:

Hi, this is Sumera Saeed: A seasoned content writer with 12+ years of experience, I craft compelling content across diverse platforms. My expertise covers e-commerce, finance, news media, and currently, the vital Pakistani blogosphere. As Managing Editor and Content Writer at, I am passionate about creating engaging content. I am always excited to discover new trends and writing techniques. Feel free to connect at [email protected] to discuss content tips, write-ups, or potential collaborations.

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