Register With Sehat Insaf Card and Get Free Treatment in KPK Hospitals

Sumera Saeed

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Register With Sehat Insaf Card and Get Free Treatment in KPK Hospitals

How to get the Sehat Insaf Card Registration in KPK For Having Free Treatment in Hospitals?

Register With Sehat Insaf Card and Get Free Treatment in KPK Hospitals. PTI government has decided to offer free treatment facilities in the hospitals of KPK and in this regard the provincial government has started the registration of the Sehat Insaf Card for the people of the province. It’s a great initiative by the PTI government to offer free health facilities of the 50% population of the province.

The Sehat Insaf Card will be applicable in selected government, and private hospitals. The government has decided to distribute nearly 1,800,000/- cards and up till now has distributed 1,60,0000/- cards among the public.

The Khyber Pakhtun­khwa government rolled out the Sehat Card that will facilitate an estimated seven million people in Swat, Malakand, Dir, and Chitral from Sunday.

The program aims to provide Rs1mn insurance to every family in the province by January 2021.

Minimum Coverage Of Expenses:

Under the Sehat Card facility, each of the families in KPK will be able to get the minimum coverage of 540,000/- rupees annually.

What Facilities Sehat Insaf Card Covers?

Each family has a maximum of 8 people will be covered with 30000 rupees coverage on admission to the hospital a maximum of three times in a year.

Under the Sehat Insaf Card the pregnant mothers will also be given the facilities of the normal and C section delivery. The mothers will also be awarded with the Rs.1000 and if the mother dies during delivery the family will be paid with Rs.10, 000. The newborn will also be covered under the card.

If the hospital refer the patients to other hospitals due to the lack of equipment or bed space, the sending hospital will pay 2000/- rupees as shifting expenses.

The patient will receive the free medicine and one routine checkup upon being discharged from the hospital within 5 days. The expenditures will be given only if the patient is admitted and upon being admitted to the hospital no charges will be taken from the patient family.

On the other hand the Sehat insaf card also covers seven severe type of diseases including cancer, dialysis, heart problems, accidents, diabetic problems.

The patients with any of these diseases will be given Rs. 30,0000

The KPK government has paid nearly Rs. 3,304,044,871/- through this card to the deserving people.

Sehat Insaf Cards For Eunuchs:

Sehat Insaf Cards will also be provided eunuchs. Each transvestite will get the free medical treatment of up to Rs 540,000 annually at both public and private health facilities across Peshawar.

How to Register For Sehat Insaf Card?

To get the Sehat Insaf Card is very easy. You need to provide your ID card and Nadara documents and details of your family members at the nearest sehat insaf center. All the people who are eligible for the sehat card will be informed.

Eligible people will also be provided with the list of hospitals from where they can get the free treatment after showing the Sehat Insaf Card.

How Much Charges For Sehat Insaf Card?

To get the sehat insaf card is totally free.

For more detail, you can visit or call at 0800-89898.

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Author Bio:

Hi, this is Sumera Saeed: A seasoned content writer with 12+ years of experience, I craft compelling content across diverse platforms. My expertise covers e-commerce, finance, news media, and currently, the vital Pakistani blogosphere. As Managing Editor and Content Writer at, I am passionate about creating engaging content. I am always excited to discover new trends and writing techniques. Feel free to connect at [email protected] to discuss content tips, write-ups, or potential collaborations.

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