6 Rules of Matching Jewelry & Outfits you Shouldn’t Forget

Sumera Saeed

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6 Rules of Matching Jewelry & Outfits you Shouldn’t Forget

What’s more frustrating than having a perfect outfit for any occasion but not being able to match the jewelry? That’s the nightmare; we all ladies have faced in our lifetime at least once. However, now is the time to give your fashion & matching sense a boost with these amazing jewelry & outfit matching tips that we are going to share here. Remember these rules are for every type of occasion & for every type of dress that you desire to wear. So, let’s get rolling straightaway.

Pick jewelry for occasion or event:

The biggest mistake many ladies make while choosing jewelry with the outfit is not taking into consideration, the event. While it may work for general occasions, but cannot work every time. For example, you are dressing for work and choosing any kind of loose bracelet might not be the best choice, as you need to type much in the office. Similarly, when choosing for different occasions, it is very important to consider the type of event and what you would be doing there. Also, make sure it is ethically justified to wear jewelry on such an event, you do not want to offend onlookers with irrespective jewelry.

Keep one thing simple:

Matching outfits with jewelry and accessories is not rocket science but many ladies make minor mistakes that ruin up their outlook. One such mistake is keeping booth jewelry and outfits a busy print. Rather, it is better if you can keep one thing simple i.e. if you are going to wear busy prints, keep your jewelry a bit of simple. I am not telling you to go extremely simple with the jewelry but you should also not make to ornate and loud. Good stuff to have in such a scenario would be bracelets, watches, earrings & little other light jewelry just like these.

Earrings to highlight your face:

The most important body part and obviously most visible is the face. And you also want to keep it into highlights. The key here is to match earrings according to the face cut. You can wear simple or silver earrings if you want, but if you want to highlight your eyes more, go for glittery and flashy earrings. Following are some face cuts and earring styles you should know:

Oval shape face = studs or triangular earrings

Heart-shaped face = drop earrings

Diamonds are a must-have:

Without diamonds, it is called artificial jewelry. While most of the time you cannot wear diamonds. These are a must-have when dressing for occasions like wedding. There is a good reason diamonds have been used in jewelry for a thousand years. There is two option for all ladies, either you can choose classic whites, as these are super elegant, or you can go for traditional ones.  

Do not overdo matching:

While matching does make your outlook a perfect face for the party, overdoing it may cause a negative effect. You can either match jewelry with your outfit or you can match it with your skin tone. Whichever you choose as a matching parameter, it is crucial it is in the limits of elegance and class.

Do not buy seperatly:

This is the ultimate way to getting rid of all matching heck that ladies suffer every time dressing for an occasion. However, there is an expert way you can adapt to get rid of all the matching & accessorizing issues. Head for shopping wearing full accessories; this may work for those who have spare time. However, if you have a busy schedule, online jewelry shopping with other accessories could possibly be the best solution for any lady out there.

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Author Bio:

Hi, this is Sumera Saeed: A seasoned content writer with 12+ years of experience, I craft compelling content across diverse platforms. My expertise covers e-commerce, finance, news media, and currently, the vital Pakistani blogosphere. As Managing Editor and Content Writer at Daytimes.pk, I am passionate about creating engaging content. I am always excited to discover new trends and writing techniques. Feel free to connect at [email protected] to discuss content tips, write-ups, or potential collaborations.

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