Necessary Precautions and Foods to Combat Smog Air Pollution in Pakistan

Sumera Saeed

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Necessary Precautions and Foods to Combat Smog Air Pollution in Pakistan

Necessary Precautions and Foods to Combat Smog Air Pollution in Pakistan. The pollution in the air reached a dangerous level and created hazardous health issues.

The atmosphere in Lahore and in other cities is polluted with the smog blanket, and the smog is to stay for more days in the city, according to the Pakistan Meteorologist Department.

The residents of Lahore and other cities of Pakistan are nowadays suffering from the dense, cloudy blanket of smog. The smog in Lahore has reduced the visibility of travelers and has prompted several complaints of respiratory, eye allergies and many other diseases.

As per the atmosphere of Lahore and Punjab in general… it’s not fog…. it’s SMOG…., a very thick toxic blanket of pollutants threatening health. Sometimes, the smog becomes denser, and people complain of feeling it inside their homes, burning eyes, and heavy breathing. Visibility in open areas and motorways has decreased. This condition creates serious breathing ailments and eye infections.

In countries elsewhere, this climatic condition calls for the emergency closing down of schools and public places so people can come in contact with this danger as little as possible. The polluted air is causing eye burning, heavy breathing, and respiratory problems.

As a request, please minimize going out for long and, if possible, wear masks to protect yourself and your children. Eyewash should be used frequently to clear eyes. You can also check the air quality on your smartphones by downloading the Apps to Check Air Quality Using Android and iOS Devices.

We will tell you some foods that help combat Smog air pollution. These foods contain natural antioxidants and nutrients that can stimulate your body to deal with this present air pollution.

You need to take fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C. The use of vitamin C is essential in this current atmosphere condition because it contains antioxidants that help to remove toxins. The regular use of Vitamin C-oriented foods is necessary for maintaining the lung’s function.

The body also needs Vitamin E,  the Fat-soluble vitamin. The use of Vitamin E-rich foods helps to repair the damage to human body tissues.

Vitamin C Fruit and Vegetables:

You can consume Vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables, including Oranges, Lemon, citrus fruit, guava, banana, grapes, berries, coriander leaves, parsley, cabbage, and turnip. You can also try the Vitamin C supplements that are easily available in Pakistan at affordable prices.

Vitamin E Rich Foods:

Fish, Olive Oil, Sunflower oil, Canola Oil, Almonds, and Nuts are the rich source of Vitamin E.

You must also eat leafy green vegetables, including cabbage, parsley, coriander leaves, fenugreek, Onion, peas, Lettuce, spinach, and carrots, to have beta-carotene that is converted into Vitamin A.  The use of Vitamin A is very essential for the body. It is an antioxidant that fights toxins.

Herbal Tea:

Furthermore, if you feel throat irritation and flue due to pollution herbal tea is the best option. You can add ginger, black pepper, basil leaves (tulsi), nutmeg, and mint tea for relaxation.

Necessary precautions to combat air pollution:

To avoid the densely polluted air, you must take some precautionary measures, minimize going out for long, and, if possible, wear masks to protect yourself and your children.

Use glasses when going out and wash your eyes frequently to avoid burning.

The government does its bit to improve the air quality and calls for emergency closing down of schools and public places so people can come in contact with this danger as little as possible.

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Author Bio:

Hi, this is Sumera Saeed: A seasoned content writer with 12+ years of experience, I craft compelling content across diverse platforms. My expertise covers e-commerce, finance, news media, and currently, the vital Pakistani blogosphere. As Managing Editor and Content Writer at, I am passionate about creating engaging content. I am always excited to discover new trends and writing techniques. Feel free to connect at [email protected] to discuss content tips, write-ups, or potential collaborations.

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