What can ChatGPT do? Things you need to know about ChatGPT

Sumera Saeed

What can ChatGPT do? Things you need to know about ChatGPT

This AI chatbot’s higher-spoken abilities have formed a buzz right now.  Here is what you need to know, if you still are not aware of what ChatGPT is, this is your guide to the much talked chatbot.

According to the UBS analysis estimation, ChatGPT had achieved 100 million active users after just two months of its launch as compared to TikTok, which took nine months to reach 100 million.

What is chatGPT?

The ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI. In simple words, it is an online artificial intelligence chatbot that can answer the questions you ask.

There are a number of Chatbots available for decades but all the chatbots do not use AI like ChatGPT. A number of chatbots just use keywords to generate a response that may or may not be useful. On the other hand, the AI chatbot uses some pretty sophisticated conversation.

It has been designed to data using deep learning techniques to understand and generate human-like language. It can answer an extensive range of questions. ChatGPT can also take part in conversations, and help out with a variety of tasks, all through natural language processing.

Who Developed ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI, an AI and research company, on 30th November 2022. It is developed on the crest of OpenAI’s GPT-3 family of hefty language models. It has been polished up using both administers and reinforcement learning methods. This has gained tremendous popularity for its comprehensive responses and eloquent answers across many domains of knowledge.

How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT is a language model called Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), specifically GPT-3. It works by using a process named “transformer architecture” to create anthropoid responses to user inputs. ChatGPT is developed on a huge amount of text data, such as books, articles, and websites. It learns to answer the given sequence of words precisely.

Generally, ChatGPT is a great tool for producing human-like language and engaging in natural language discussions with users.

What can Chattgpt do?

As an AI language tool, it can do many things, such as:

Answer questions: It can give answers to an extensive range of questions on diverse topics. You can ask your queries on different topics including science, technology, entertainment, history, and much more.

Generate text: It can also generate text on different topics, including news articles, product descriptions, and content for marketing.

Translation: you can translate text from one language to another with it.

Summarization: you can also summarize long texts into shorter versions, making them easier to read and understand.

Conversation: it can engage you in a conversation, respond to your queries, and reply to your comments.

Creative writing: you can write creative writings, such as poems, stories, and scripts.

Assistance: It can assist you with different tasks, for example setting reminders, checking the weather, finding information, and much more.

How can you access ChatGPT?

You can get the ChatGPT by visiting chat.openai.com and creating an OpenAI account using your email Id.

After the sign-in, you are able to use the ChatGPT. You can start your conversation by asking a question.

How to use ChatGPT?

You can use ChatGPT by typing your questions in the chatbox given on any website or platform where ChatGPT is accessible.

This AI chatbot can converse with you in human-like language and provide you with answers to your questions. There are a lot of websites and platforms that offer access to ChatGPT, such as OpenAI’s website, social media platforms like Facebook Messenger, and messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram.

You can also combine ChatGPT into your own website or application using OpenAI’s API.

Currently, ChatGPT is still in its research stage, so you can use it free of cost and can ask as many queries as you’d like.

How people are using ChatGPT?

People are using ChatGPT in several ways, for instance:

Customer Service: A large number of companies across the world are using ChatGPT as a virtual assistant to offer customer support and answer their queries. It not only saves time and money for businesses but also allows human customer service representatives to focus on more multifaceted issues.

Education: The education sector is also using this language model to give bespoke learning experiences to students. By answering questions and providing explanations, it can assist students to learn at their own convenience and develop their understanding of difficult educational concepts.

Personal Assistant: Many people are using ChatGPT as a personal assistant to assist them with daily tasks including scheduling appointments, setting reminders, and much more.

Mental Health Support: The use of ChatGPT in the mental health sector is awesome as it provides support and advice to people struggling with mental health problems. By chatting with ChatGPT, people can access resources and get guidance on how to deal with their mental health.

Entertainment: Several people are using ChatGPT for entertainment purposes, for example playing games or engaging in entertaining conversations.

In general, people are using ChatGPT in modern and different ways to improve their lives and improve their knowledge.

What are ChatGPT’s limitations?

ChatGPT is an extremely advanced language model. It can create remarkable human-like responses, though it has a few limitations as well that the users should be aware of. Several of the limitations of this chatbot include:

Limited Contextual Understanding: Despite the ChatGPT being an impressive AI model it can comprehend some context from previous inputs, but it may not always completely understand the context of a discussion. This can occasionally lead to irrelevant or wrong responses.

Biased Language: The language used in the preparation of facts can at times contain biases, which can be reflected in the responses produced by ChatGPT.

Lack of Emotional Intelligence: It may attempt to perceive and react properly to emotional indications for example sarcasm, humor, or irony. It may also have trouble responding to intricate emotional states, such as empathy or sympathy.

Limited Domain-Specific Knowledge: ChatGPT’s data is based on the text data it has been trained on, which means it may not have detailed information about certain domains or businesses.

Security and Privacy Concerns: Like any other AI tool, ChatGPT can be vulnerable to security and privacy infringes. For example, hackers could likely use the model to create destructive responses or steal user data.

On the whole, though ChatGPT is an influential language model that can create human-like responses, make people’s lives easier, and support them with everyday tedious tasks, it’s significant to be aware of its limitations and use it appropriately.

Currently, you can use the ChatGPT free version but can also upgrade to the premium version ‘Of ChatGPT Plus’ for USD $20/month.

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