Coffee Grounds Homemade Soap

Sumera Saeed

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Coffee Grounds Homemade Soap

Coffee Grounds Homemade Soap

Today we will tell you the complete method of making coffee ground homemade soap for complete exfoliating of skin. It’s a wonder full chemical soap which helps you to get rid of dead skin cells and make you skin flawless and glowing with its anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also a best soap for acne and pimple oriented skin.

Ingredients of making Coffee Grounds Soap:

  • 2 glycerin soap/ or simple soap
  • ¼ cup coffee grounds
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Olive oil two tablespoon
  • Muffin tins


First of all melt the soap with the help of steam. Once your soap melts add coffee grounds, olive oil and vanilla essence in it and mix well. Now grease the muffin tins and pour the liquid soap in it. Let it set for few hours. Now remove the coffee soap from the muffin tin and use it daily. Save the extra soap for next time.


You can use a glycerin soap or any other soap of your choice. But best to use glycerin bar. It is easy available in the market.

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